The Xmas gift

By | December 27, 2019

We would wish the whanau the gift of love & light, 

from all corners of this planet all nations  colours dark & bright, 

for with this season that is upon us, we need to thank the all, 

that which has brought us to this place of evermore 

be kind to one another, a smile a wave a touch, 

there’s no need for glossy paper or ribbons here to touch, 

those gifts that some do seek my friends can be given from your soul, 

that gift will last a lifetime , no wrapping is involved

show the little ones laughter, teach them how to smile, 

and when they share this magic, the whole world will evolve, 

for laughter is the gift of love it opens every door, 

and when this simple thing happens there will be love for evermore 

Merry Xmas to one and all …